Friday 8 April 2011

20th Blog Entry

I was unfortunately able to upload my improved version of my souble page spread which included an added background effect and also more organised text columns with more of the story written. I forgot to upload/finish it whilst I was at college and no longer have access to it until after easter. When that time comes I would like to finish and upload it, even though it wont be marked, for my own benefit.

19th Blog Entry - Evaluation Question 7

18th Blog Entry - Evaluation Question 1

Monday 4 April 2011

15th Blog Entry - Evaluation Questions 4+5

Evaluation answer for questions 4+5
View more presentations from ryanhutchesson.

The links for my presentation above have failed to work when I converted the presentation onto slideshare which was a shame as I feel that they worked really well. Below are the original slides as I intended them to be.